Qualifications: M.B.B.S; M.S. (Master in Orthopaedic Surgery). Patna Medical College, Patna, India

Special Responsibilities undertaken:
Director Coffs Harbour Superclinic
September 2011 - July 2020 I was one of the directors of Coffs Harbour GP super clinic. Our bid for the super clinic has been accepted by the Commonwealth government. The Clinic is running Successfully

Director and teasurer
1995 - 2006 Director and Trasurer for the Macarthur Division of General Practice. As the director of the division I used to sit in the following committees:

  • Immunisation
  • Computer
  • Fall prevention in Geriatic
  • Communication between Campbelltown Public Hospital and General Practitioners
  • Injury prevention committee for the Southwest Area Health Service of NSW

    I was a member of the accreditation committee of Campbelltown Private School. The role of this committee is to check the credentials and expertise of the doctor applying for AVM or VMO positions in the hospital.

    Initiator and Organiser
    In 1995 I was the initiator and organiser to start the Macarthur GP After Hours Service after seeing the need for this type of service within the my area. I continued to run this service on a shared roster system.

    The 1st May 2000 saw the opening of the After Hours Medical Serviced based in Campbelltown Hospital to which I was the Chairman. This was the first after hour general practice clinic run by the local GPs, cited within the Hospital campus, next to emergency with consultations paid by Medicare. This service is still being run successfully. I resigned from the service in 2006 to travel overseas.

    Injury Management Consultant
    Due to my Orthopaedic Training as well as extensive knowledge of MVA, Third Party and Workcover rules and regulations, wide experience in industiral trauma and work related accidents, I was selected as an Injury Management Consultant for WorkCover at the time of its formation in the year 2000 in NSW.

    Drug of addiction prescriber
    Since 2000, I have been accredited by the NSW government pharmaceutical division as a drug of addiction prescriber including methadone after special training.

  • Study and Professional Experience:
    2011 - 2020Director of Coffs Harbour Superclinic
    2000 - 2018Injury and Pain Management Consultant
    2000 - 2006Chairman of Macathur After Hours Service
    1995 -Director and Treasurer for the Macarthur Division of General Practioner
    1980-2005While working at my practice, I was also attached to the following hospitals as AVMO in general surgery and general practice, where I admitted and operated on my patients.
  • Campbelltown District Public Hospital
  • Campbelltown Private Hospital
  • Shellharbour Private Hospital, Wollongong
  • Bigg Street Private Hospital, Liverpool
  • Ida Home Private Hospital, Liverpool
  • Private Hospital, Cabramatta
  • Oak Private Hospital, Bankstown
  • July 1978 - 2005Opened my private practice in Campbelltown
    Apr 1975 - Apr 1976Surgical Registrar 0 North Ryde Psychiatric Hospital Ryde NSW
    Jan 1975 - Mar 1975Locum Orthopaedic Surgeon - For Dr R.G. Smith, Manly NSW
    Jul 1974 - Dec 1974Orthopaedic and Casuality Registrar - Royal Hobart Hospital TAS
    Jan 1974 - Jun 1974Orthopaedic Registrar - Blacktown District Hospital NSW
    Oct 1972 - Dec 1973Seniro Surgical Resident - Manly District Hospital NSW
    Jan 1972 - Oct 1972Migrated to Australia
    Jan 1970 - Dec 1971Master in Orthopaedic Surgery, as well as Reistrar in Orthopaedic Surgery
    Jul 1969 - Dec 1969Senior Surgical Resident - PMC Hispital Patna, India
    Jan 1969 - Jun 1969Junior Surgical Resident - PMC Hispital Patna, India
    Jul 1968 - Dec 1968Rotating Internship - PMC Hospital Patna, India
    1968 -Graduated with Honours from Patna Medical College, Patna India

    The main Pain Management Clinic is located at Campbelltown, with well trained office personnel. If there is a necessity then they are also able to liaise with the orther Injury Management Consultants from insurance companies, rehabilitation providers, physiotherapists, employers, solicitors, unions, etc.